
Posted in Just Crap on October 28, 2012 by milybaby


Unpredictable yet exciting
Surprising yet ironic
Challenging yet hopeless
Short yet sweet
Demanding yet fullfilling
Painful yet memorable

Cherish your life, cherish others….

Datin so what?..

Posted in >Survival Guide, Hospital Politics, O&G with tags , , on October 23, 2012 by milybaby

“Siapa doktor BODOH yang men-dischargekan anak saudara I balik?”

“U all jangan bull-shit ye! Kalau anak saudara I ada apa saja tak puas ati dengan engkau semua, I akan complain terus dengan PM!”

“I ini Datindari JB ya, u all dun bull-shit ye! I tau PM, ada apa complain, I will complain terus kat PM!’

“U all better layan anak saudara saya baik-baik”

1- You are Datin so what? We are the MEDICAL PERSONELS here! WE are the ones who have the skills and knowledge to assess patients. If you think you can manage patients, you utmost welcome to come manage patients while we sit back and see how you SCREW up cases!

2- You are Datin so what? Does that give you the right to call other people “BODOH’ just because he/she did not do things the way YOU WANT T TO BE but what is BEST AT THAT MOMENT? Not only did you portrait yourself as lacking the skills to make good appropriate judgement, it also reflects a very bad personality of you!

3- You are Datin so what? That doesn’t mean you can call up the wards to threaten the staffs! For crying out loud, the ward has 28 patients, NOT JUST YOUR NIECE. Why are you acting like a gangster here?…something that the government has been trying SO HARD to curb and eliminate from the country all these years starting from school students?! Did the system just so happen to miss that 1 gangster that later emerged as this now present Datin?!

4- You are Datin so what? You know PM so what? Who in Malaysia doesn’t know the PM?! You can complain so can we! We did not breech any code of conduct unlike you! If any actions should be taken, it should be against YOU or our PM would seriously need a new pair of glasses.

Just a small reminder to you… Datin so what? In the eyes of God, you are just another human! HE doesn’t care what your earthly status is, HE judges fairly base on what you DID and what you DESERVE!! So just in case you have forgotten that, let me just kindly remind you that there is a GREATER and MIGHTIER presence that is ALWAYS WATCHING us! So don’t try and mess around thinking you can get away with it!

Heart breaking experience

Posted in Hospital Politics, Just Crap with tags , , , , on October 11, 2012 by milybaby

There was this article on The Star a couple if weeks ago which was really surprising. It just simply reflects how some of us can be so selfish and ungrateful! As consumers, we di have our rights, but use it ‘rightly’ and appropriately. After reading this article, i have only but some penny worth comments about it:

1- senseless
Everybody knows (it WAS in the news n papers) that the low risk birth center in presint 8 is for LOW RISK PREGNANT MOTHERS! How in the world can you send a pregnant mother who has risk factors or has been dianosed to be high risk during her antenatal check-ups to that place?! That place is a trained nurse-run center for crying out loud! It is NOT suitable for mothers who are at risk or as it was described in the article as ‘critical’ case. I am pretty sure she must have come with some acute problem or her antenatal follow-up has some issues (or she won’t need to be followed-up in a specialist clinic). I am confident to say that the staff have asessed her and she needs hospital care with specialist back-up. I have a friend who had similar encounter as well where she was examined and sent GHKL for delivery in view of beds full. She told me it was sad that she couldn’t deliver in HPJ but she noted that the doctors did a thorough examination and explained to her the need for transfer and all. So i believe that similar examination and explanation must have been carried out.

2- selfish
The thought that only critical cases should be taken in by the hospital is very unkind to other patients! Do you mean to say that non-critical cases should be delivered in small district clinics/hospitals? Are u saying that stable patients are not eligible to delivere in HPJ? I think that is very wrong!! I think we should look into the policies of the hospital. KKM has already enforce the ‘no close door policy’ so that patients can choose to go any hispital they choose even if they stay 1000miles AWAY from the particular hospital they choose. Therefore, i do agree with the hospital of using a ‘first come first serve’ policy. If one is unlucky to come at a time where beds are fully occupied then they should also accept transfer to other centers if their condition requires it.

There are many more issues i see in the article which doesn’t make sense as well but i guess some people will just not make sense no matter what! If i had a bad experience at a hospital, i would NEVER come again….. Once bitten, twice shy. But, there was a second time here i notice…. Maybe there will be a third complaint. Well, let’s just wait and see….

Rounds bloopers

Posted in Just Crap, O&G with tags , , on September 4, 2012 by milybaby

During morning rounds…..

HO: This is mdm K, day 1 post caesar. She is ambulating and afebrile but complaint of reduced fart…

MO: …… (=.=’)

I HATE purple dinosaur!!!

Posted in Just Crap with tags , , on September 4, 2012 by milybaby

**tune of their theme song**

I love you
You love me
Let’s gang up and kill Barney
With a bullet in his head
And a coffin by the floor
No more purple dinosaur!!

Whoever invented this lyrics, u r AMAZING!!!!! Muacks!!!

Molar pregnancy

Posted in O&G with tags , , on September 2, 2012 by milybaby


This patient came with a 32 weeks size uterus!! Scan showed the classical snowstorm appearance with clots. After suction and curettage, uterus contracted to 14 wks and the ‘product’ filled easily 1 whole suction container!


Duphaston & Threatened misscarriage….it’s role??

Posted in MRCOG, O&G with tags , , , , , on August 26, 2012 by milybaby


It’s a synthetic progesterone that has been around since 1950s and is currently used widely in O&G. It has a high affinity towards progesterone receptors with low affinity towards androgen receptors. It has totally no affinity towards estrogenic receptors. Thus it is claimed to be similar to natural progesterone. It is absorbed rapidly after administration and achieves maximum plasma levels within 1-2hours. Even its primary metabolite (20 alpha-dihydrodydrogesterone) is a potent progestogen.

It has also been widely used in early pregnancy for luteal support especially those with ART/induced pregnancy whereby it is belived that the normal luteal-placenta shift is abnormal to support the pregnancy. But what about threatened miscarriage?

Quite a number of studies found that progesterone did not significantly reduce the frequency of threatened miscarriage as compared to placebo. Moreover it is also unclear in the studies as to how the patients were assigned  to treatment and control group. Were they stratified accordingly to the risk factors of threatened miscarriage? Were the 2 groups of similar age group and underlying medical problems?

Therefore, there is still to date no good evidence to suggest that administration of progesterone or dydrogesterone reduces the frequency of miscarriage in women with threatened miscarriage. However, data do suggest a beneficial effect in women who have had 3 or more consecutive, unexplained, spontaneous miscarriages.

So, what say you??….

Pampered “Macrosomic” Babies

Posted in Hospital Politics with tags , , , , , , on August 25, 2012 by milybaby

I think it high time MOH takes a second look at our HO training system…being named the “flexi” system which is so called to benefit the HOs and relieve them of their HEAVY duties as a doctor. But what I’m truly baffled is the fact that even with this useless system up and running, we still get PARENTs , and mind you I repeat, PARENTs coming to complaint to hospital directors about their pampered children HOs getting bullied and overworked!!

Well, HELLLOOO…..come sit in the hospital for just 1 flexi session and see for yourselves what these HOs are doing! I do not wana brag about how tough MY own HO life was! Not only we were short of hands, we were really forced to be independent! And mistakes and unfinished task were greeted by flying BHTs and screams and insults. But we still made it and we never blamed anybody nor did we complaint to our parents about it. For it is MY own decision to choose this career path and it will be by MY own strength to make it through! I remember my colleges and I come and leave work without seeing the sun! We never had proper meal times but we all had patients interest in mind. But today, not only I see HOs SLEEPING during working hour, I see them lepaking in cafeteria longer than we MOs do, and nearly all of them have a huge watch to keep track of the time they go off-duty =.=”

Just hope the public realizes what THEY are doing to the health system…these very group of undertrained, calculative, skill-less HOs will be the ones to treat you in future….are you ready to place your lives in their hands??….well, I don’t 😦

Saya bukan melayu….

Posted in Just Crap on August 24, 2012 by milybaby

Everyone still in raya mood apparently… Food in cafe is soooo extremely pathetic =.=’

At chinese ecconomic rice stall….
Me: mana babi?
Staff: (pointed out) ini, ini, ini dan itu
took d ‘senduk’ n went straight to the babi masak ginger dish to scoop a large amt of it
Staff: (surprised) itu BABI!!!!!!
Me: saya tau, saya tau. Itu sebab saya tanya …

Dumb Asses

Posted in Hospital Politics, O&G with tags , , on July 24, 2012 by milybaby

Scene 1: Tak cukup 6 jam wo…..

Surgeon: wana post case for fetal distress!!!!!

Anaesth: ok, when’s patient’s last meal?

Surgeon: 2pm

Anaesth: huh? That’s like 2hours ago, can wait-a?

Surgeon: (pissed off mode =.=”)waits till when? Till baby IUD-a?!


Scene 2: Sory, not fetal distress

Surgeon: hi,I have a case of suspected big baby in active labour. She is also a grandmultip

Anaesth: aiyo! I only do fetal fetal distress la. Ur case emergency meh?

Surgeon: Well…if it becomes shoulder-d then emergency lo…should I ask my HO to call u to come   deliver the baby when she os full??

Anaesth: ….. Ic


Scene 3: Why the leaking time different?

Surgeon: hey, need to go in fr a breech with leaking. Now os 4cm with contraction. She started leaking abt 4hours ago.

Anaesth: ok

Anaesth later finds out that pt started leaking 2 hours ago…..

Anaesth: hey! How u take history wan? She stsrted leaking 2 hours ago oni wat… Y u say 4hours ago??

Surgeon: (pissed off mode)does it matter?! Is that gona change my management?! Or do ubwana wait for a cord prolapse to do a crash Caesar?!
